Plasma  Fibroblast

Stretch Marks Removal & Skin Tightening Treatment

Stretch marks removal & Skin Tightening treatment by

Plasma Fibroblast Technique

Below Video shows model done only on the left side of the tummy area. You can compare the Before and After results on the left half to the right half that is not done.


How are stretch marks formed?

Stretch marks happens when the skin is pulled by rapid growth or stretching. Although the skin is usually fairly elastic, when it’s overstretched, the normal production of collagen (the major protein that makes up the connective tissue in your skin) is disrupted. As a result, scars called stretch marks are formed and the skin becomes lose. 

Stretching of the skin during pregnancy, weight gain or bodybuilding are common results of having stretch marks. Stretch marks can form on any part of the body, but they mostly affect high-fat areas like the abdomen, breasts, buttocks and thighs.

Stretch marks can appear as thin, wavy lines with a red, purple, or white complexion. Often, stretch marks will not diminish by themselves and can last for many years or a lifetime unless you do something about it. Fortunately, there are dermatologically-advanced ways to help fade stretch marks.

wound healing process

How to remove Stretch Marks?

After understanding how stretch marks are form, we can reverse the concept. If we tighten with plasma on the over stretched skin and induce the collagen production of the damaged skin, then surely the stretch marks can be greatly reduced effectively. Not only that your skin feels a lot tighter at the same time. 

Stretch marks are a form of scarring. And we understand from experience that scars can be managed through collagen regulation. These aspects of scar therapy can be achieved with our Stretch Marks & Scar Plasma Treatment which can significantly reduce the appearance of stretch marks and tighten the skin, helping them blend in with the surrounding tissue.

It will stimulates new collagen (neocollagenesis) and helps release and activate essential proteins and growth factors like cytokines and fibroblasts, which makes more collagen than before it was disrupted. 


Beauty Recipe Aesthetics & Academy is the first in Singapore to bring the Plasma Fibroblast Accredited Training Course and Technology Expertise into Singapore back in 2018. Choose the best and the professionals to perform the Treatment to ensure safety and good results.

Before & After

before and after plasma fibroblast tummy lift and stretchmarks removal
After treatment custmore testimonial
before and after plasma fibroblast treatment
before and after Plasma tummy tightening
before and after Plasma Fibroblast Tummy Lift


Prices Range from $199 – $1000 depending on the area size.  

You can get a FREE consultation for us to access your condition, answer your enquiries and to advise you.

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